
Friendship as teenagers, project with the English language assistant Neil Duff

The introduction to this friendship project in one part of 3a, group ZIEK, was to image the following situation in groups: You have just moved to a new city with your family. You don’t know anyone there and will start school after the summer holidays. How can you try to make new friends? What would you look for in a friend? Part 2 of the project was that the students had to write their own definition of a good friend. The largest part of the project, however, was to imagine that a film company has been commissioned to make a new series about a group of friends. The show will be based on a real life set of friends in high school, but the director also wants to include a supernatural (fiction) storyline. In their small groups, the students developed their own series with different episodes, invented characters, settings, a plot line and a title for their series and individual episodes. At the end of the project all students presented their series using a Powerpoint template imitating a streaming platform. The motivation to work on this project and the results deeply impressed the teacher and the language assistant. It was simply brilliant, 3a!

#Englishprojects #bilingual #speaking #friendships #friends #series #episodes